

LEARNING OR SUFFERING?   SEARCHING FOR NEW APPROACHES IN SCHOOL EDUCATION The world has changed so much that this fact can no longer be ignored. It is necessary to look for new goals and methods of school education. Sometimes schools continue to teach as if it were not the second decade of the twenty-first century, but the dark Middle Ages. Schools have to compete for children's attention, and teachers inevitably lose out to addicting computer games. Knowledge does not linger in children's heads. It evaporates without a trace after the passed tests. Ask the average student about what they are learning at school. At best, you will get a very vague answer. Even great teachers fail to achieve persistent, and most importantly, meaningful knowledge from their students. They are bored, they do not see the application of their knowledge.  The most effective way to generate interest in a child is to provide him with access to the atmosphere of interest in which the people around ...


  ОДИН ИЗ ЛУЧШИХ ПОЭТОВ СОВРЕМЕННОСТИ? Поговорим об авторе, чей стиль - глоток свежего воздуха в современной поэзии. Нам так повезло что, он наш соотечественник. Его зовут Геннадий Липкин. То, что я увидел в его произведениях, я не видел ещё негде. Вот, к примеру, вы видели когда-нибудь строчку в 16 слов и абсолютно всё зарифмовано, абсолютно везде применяется игра слов и сплошные каламбуры. Нет? ТАК чего же вы ждёте? Рекомендую прямо сейчас ознакомиться с его работами и в данной статье я  приведу аргументы, почему это необходимо сделать ·       Новизна Его творчество может показаться сложным, точнее, скорее всего так и будет, но это удивительный стиль как когда то было у Маяковского ·       Маяковский Всё же Маяковский прошлое, а Геннадий это будущее и настоящее. Как говорил Владимир Владимирович «Сбросить Пушкина с парохода современности» ,что ж теперь сам Маяковский должен покинуть пароход  и обещаю вам это ...


      Appili Therapeutics initiates dosing in Covid-19 drug trial in US Biopharma firm Appili Therapeutics has announced the dosing of the first participant in its Phase III trial analysing oral Avigan tablets (favipiravir) for treating Covid-19 in the US. Developed by FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical, Avigan is a broad-spectrum antiviral oral tablet. PRA Health Sciences has been engaged as the clinical research organisation (CRO) to carry out the trial at 47 outpatient sites, Appili noted. The Phase III Preventing Severe COVID Disease (PRESECO) study will evaluate the efficacy of Avigan for treating patients with confirmed Covid-19 and mild-to-moderate symptoms. It plans to alleviate symptoms and prevent disease progression before the infection requires hospitalisations or intensive interventions. The randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study will have around 826 participants. This is the second Appili-sponsored Covid-19 trial that has started dosing in the current quar...


  Is Canada Accepting Immigrants in 2020? Canada welcomes immigrants under the following categories: economic; family; refugee; and humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Earlier this year, on March 12, the federal government announced Canada would aim to welcome over one million new permanent residents between 2020 and 2022. Over the coming three years, Canada will aim to welcome the following level of new permanent residents: 2021: 401,000 immigrants,    2022: 411,000 immigrants,    2023: 421,000 immigrants. The only time Canada welcomed over 400,000 immigrants in a year was in 1913, when it admitted 401,000 newcomers. It has never come close to this figure again. Earlier this year, on March 12, the federal government announced Canada would aim to welcome over one million new permanent residents between 2020 and 2022. Days later, Canada had to shut its borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, Canada will likely fall well short of the 341,000 immigra...